Ruchika Nambiar

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Hester 2021-22 Annual Report

Publication Design


Hester Biosciences is a global animal healthcare company with a presence across 30+ countries and is the second largest poultry vaccine manufacturer in India.

The project involved designing their 2021-22 annual report to showcase their activities across the year and their strategic ventures, investments and plans for the coming year.

This year’s report was designed with clean vector shapes and silhouettes rendered in flat, bright colours, with bold and striking typography. The simplistic cover was designed to highlight their evolution into a complete animal healthcare company with their recent expansion into the pet healthcare market.

A colour palette of electric blues, turquoises and corals was chosen for this year’s report, the aesthetic relying largely on solid backdrops, typography and vector shapes, with close-up photographs of animals occasionally peppered in to add points of visual impact.